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Strong, diverse, and strategic leadership within the nuclear industry is increasing in importance.  If we are not moving forward, then we are falling behind. â€‹


Action I:

Continuously elevate your leadership perspective and skills.

We have developed a strategic leadership tool kit to help you identify where to start and connect you with insights from leaders in our industry.  

Action II:

Continue to look closely at technical acumen to bridge any real or perceived gap in this area to include:​

  1. Start with encouraging women to pursue technical career paths and assignments.  This can start as early as grade school through involvement with programs like STEM or could include mentoring females within our industry.  This will increase diversity within our industry and provide females early in their career with opportunities to strengthen their foundational technical skills.  

  2. Continuously seek to understand and provide support for the unique stressors faced by nuclear female talent in nuclear centric technical fields.  

  3. Highlight technical accomplishments of female nuclear workers whenever possible.

  4. Find ways to broaden the term technical to include all functions and the broad subject matter expertise needed for safe, reliable, and predictable operation of your organizations.  (Examples include legal, finance, regulatory, human resource and labor matters, information system management, planning, etc.)

  5. Have open dialogue on the topic with other leaders.

  6. Continuously assess your team’s proficiency in the area of safety, decision making, results, and risk management with specific and formal plans to improve should gaps arise.

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